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The Scarf (2018)

5m 08s | English | Hiraeth Films, 2018.

THE SCARF was created for the 2018 Horror Film Roulette filmmaking competition in Utica, MI where it premiered- winning both First Place & Audience Choice honors.
Throughout 2019, THE SCARF had a limited festival run, showing as an official selection of the ‘LA Short Scares Film Festival’ (Santa Monica, CA), ‘Halfway2Halloween Film Festival’ (Detroit, MI), & the ‘Slice of Fright Film Festival’ (Bay City, MI).
Afterwards, the mid-west independent film collective, CINEMASLICE, chose to feature “THE SCARF” as an episode in the third season of their web anthology series, “A Slice of Fright”.

THE SCARF (Short Film, 2018)
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Written & Directed by Neil Willoughby

Director of Photography: Michael Lucido

Art Director: Danny Raymond

Starring: Shannon Grant, Stephanie Stoiko, Matt Paciorkowski,

and introducing Margie Elsesser

Key SFX Make-up Artists: Jennifer Raymond & Joan Lutz

Script Supervisor: Kelley Carpenter

Sound Operator: Kirsten Anderson

Hiraeth Films, 2018.

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